The Most Winning Pug in the History of the Breed!!

Biggie, just like his predecessor cousins, Rumble and JJ, showed great promise at an extremely young age.
He finished his Championship in just 3 weeks of showing, being awarded multiple Best of Breeds & multiple Group placements from the Bred-By class. Due to the recognition, he was receiving at this young age, and his obvious love of strutting his stuff in the ring, I moved Biggie up to the Breed ring the following month. Though we showed on a limited basis, Biggie consistently took Best of Breed over ranked Specials and was consistently awarded in the Group ring. By 16 months of age our little guy was a Multiple Group winner & a Multiple Best In Show winner!! Two months later, he went on to win Back-to-Back to Back Best of
Breeds and an Owner Handler Group 4 at the 2016 December Florida shows/Pug Specialties. On Saturday, at the AKC National Championship Royal Canin show, he was awarded the 1st Award of Excellence, Best Bred-By Exhibitor, and a BEAUTIFUL Bred-By Exhibitor Toy Group 2!! Being strictly Breeder-Owner handled, Biggie ended 2016 as the Nation's #10 Pug in Breed, and the Nation's #5 Pug All Breed!
As many know, 2017 was quite the roller-coaster year for us. With his handler, Esteban Farias and owner, Carolyn Koch, Biggie's cousin, Rumble, was ON FIRE!! Biggie and I were showing on a much smaller scale, and though his winning ways were not slowing down, Kevin and I were also happily basking in the incredible leaps and bounds that Rumble was making in the show world. In June, we were hit with the very unexpected and sudden death of Rumble. The loss of Rumble brought every single one of us to our knees. After 6 years together, our entire team shut down, and we were ready to throw in the towel. Weeks went by, and as each of us tried to deal with Rumble's passing in our own way, I found myself being consoled by Biggie's beautiful warm eyes, his soft velvet coat that absorbed numerous fallen tears, and his childlike antics that were literally one of the only things that could put a smile on my face at times. When Fridays would roll around, I would come home from work and he would get SO EXCITED. He LOVED showing, and I could tell he didn't understand why I was so sad, and why I wasn't getting him ready to leave for the show. After much soul searching, I simply had to listen to my heart. I talked to Carolyn, and after much discussion and LOTS of tears, she agreed that we could either all stay under the rocks we were living under, or we could rally together and allow Biggie to carry on for Rumble. AND SO HE DID!! Despite months away from the show ring
for both Biggie and Esteban, and with countless tears shed by all along the way, little Biggie never skipped a beat, and gave his all to Esteban. He only had a few months to make up for lost time, but Biggie, with Esteban and Carolyn at the helm, did Rumble and our entire team proud, ending the year as the #1 Pug in the Nation!! There is NO DOUBT that Biggie is the glue that held our team together... He is truly an amazing little dog!!
Biggie had a HUGE start to 2018, stepping in for Rumble once again, Biggie WON THE TOY GROUP at the Westminster Kennel Club, where Rumble was set to retire. He was a crowd favorite in both the Group and Best In Show. The out-pouring of love and support for our little guy was AMAZING as yells of "BIIIGGIEEE!!!" could be heard from all around the Garden arena.
Biggie's winning ways never slowed down, and he continued being awarded numerous Best In Show wins throughout the year. In October, Biggie was awarded Best of Breed at not only our Regional Specialty, but the Pug Dog Club of America Nation Specialty as well!!! He finished the year in the same incredible fashion that he started it, winning multiple Best of Breed wins at the Orland Florida shows/Pug Specialties, and wrapping up the weekend being awarded Best of Breed and WINNING THE TOY GROUP at the AKC National Championship Royal Canin Dog show, with an entry of over 5,000 dogs!!!
Biggie ends 2018 as the Nation's #1 Pug & the Nation's #1 TOY Dog!!!

BIGGIE WINS the 2018 Pug Dog Club of America NATIONAL SPECIALTY!!

Biggie wins BEST OF BREED & a
beautiful Toy Group 2 at
the AKC National Championship
Royal Canin Show - December 2017

Biggie doing what he does best in 2017!!!

Biggie - Best of Breed & GROUP PLACEMENTS all four
days in Dallas!!


Biggie - Back-to-Back-TO BACK Best of
Breed wins in Orlando!!

Biggie winning his 1st BEST IN SHOW at 15
months of age under Judge Christine Anderson

Biggie winning his 2nd BEST IN SHOW at 16
months of age under Judge Dr. Dale Simmons

Biggie winning Best of Breed & Group placements from the Bred-By class!!

Baby Biggie - 8 Weeks Old, first time on the table